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About Us – Samã

About Us

Our Yoga studio

The Main Reasons to Practice Yoga

I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system.
  •  It can develop your physical and mental strength.
  • Meditation can change your life for the better.
  • It gets you in touch with your body.
We are absolute

The Best Yoga Studio
on New York

“I would highly recommend Seema’s pregnancy classes! i thought i knew already a lot but there was so much more to learn. Seema lived some time in Europa and brought a lot of knowledge back to India. Now she’s combine the best from east and west and that makes her teaching uniek.”

Frank Spindelaar

“Dont think twice before joining seema for prenatal class she is fantastic , i have done so many trial classes but seema seemed to be the best so dont waste your time with others , she wil guide to through pre and post natal too and i also recommend her weekend information classes where you can get your husband along She breaks down everything in detail so you are prepared to the fullest ”

Meghna Butani

“Seema’s prenatal sessions were the perfect combination of up-to-date factual information and informal heart-to-heart discussions. She always took the time to answer our questions and was flexible in her delivery of the course to make sure this was tailor-made to what we needed. I quickly came to look forward to these sessions (not only for the delicious home-made chai) thanks to her warmth and lovely personality. I know that I will reach out once my baby is here to benefit from her lactation consultancy expertise. I highly recommend her classes !”

Hélène Harlé

our gallery

Why We Are The Best

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